Old North St. Louis - Needs Assessment: Background



The Old North St. Louis Neighborhood Needs Assessment is an approximately 9-month process to document the needs and priorities of the Old North Neighborhood as identified by neighborhood residents and stakeholders.  The goal of the Needs Assessment is to build consensus around and prioritize neighborhood needs to better inform the work of neighborhood organizations, aldermen, City departments, and residents in order to help guide the direction of future investment and growth.  The Needs Assessment will also include an assessment of community demographics and the physical environment to provide context and frame priorities. 

The assessment will utilize community and economic development and planning professionals to provide a fresh, outside perspective to the neighborhood.  However, the process will be driven by the neighborhood - its residents, businesses, and other stakeholders.  The process will include a neighborhood steering committee, neighborhood survey, neighborhood open houses, and individual/small group meetings.  Input from residents will assist with prioritizing needs and potential next steps.

COMMON QUESTIONS REGARDING THE Old North St. Louis Needs Assessment

Q. Who is Leading the Needs Assessment?

A neighborhood steering committee is being formed that will guide the process.  The steering committee will include residents, business owners, and organizations in the neighborhood.  It is expected that the steering committee will meet monthly during the assessment process. 

The consultant team is led by Community and Economic Development Solutions, an economic and community development consulting firm that helps communities develop and implement strategies for economic and community growth.  Additional team members include the i5Group, a community planning firm located in the City of St. Louis, and Steadfast City Economic & Community Partners, an economic development consulting firm led by Doug Rasmussen, a neighborhood resident. 

 Q. Who is Funding the Needs Assessment?

The Needs Assessment is being funded through a generous donation by philanthropist, Margaret Goldsmith.  In addition, Margaret is in the process of rehabbing two historic buildings in Old North.  Margaret looks forward to getting to better know the Old North community throughout the process.

 Q. What is the Schedule for the Needs Assessment?

The Needs Assessment is expected to be complete by Fall 2020.  The neighborhood steering committee will begin meeting in Spring 2020. A neighborhood open house and survey will take place in Summer 2020.  A second neighborhood open house planned for the late Summer will prioritize needs and next steps.  The consultant team will develop a website with a list of meeting dates. 


Q. How will Residents Participate and Stay Up-to-Date?

A neighborhood steering committee will meet monthly throughout the process.  A neighborhood survey will take place in the Summer, and there will be two neighborhood open houses during the process.  The Vision Old North Needs Assessment website www.VisionOldNorth.com will provide information about upcoming meetings and share information with residents and other community members. Beth Noonan with Community and Economic Development Solutions,  may be contacted during the process for individual questions (bnoonan@ced-solutions.com or 314-562-4552).

Q. What will be the Results of the Needs Assessment?

The final product of the Needs Assessment will be a report summarizing the needs and priorities identified by the community, neighborhood assets and challenges based on the neighborhood’s existing conditions, and recommended next steps based on these findings.  Again, the goal of the Needs Assessment is to build consensus and prioritize neighborhood needs that will help guide the work of neighborhood organizations, aldermen, City departments, and residents. 

Q. Can you provide more details about the Neighborhood Survey?

The survey will be open from early July thru August 31, 2020. The survey is focused on residents, businesses, and organizations in the Old North Neighborhood. Others outside of Old North may take the survey, although most questions are tailored for those who live or work in Old North. The online survey is limited to one survey per device. For households with multiple members wanting to take the survey, please utilize another device or utilize the paper version. The planning team is distributing (100) six dollar gift cards for Crown Candy Kitchen as a small incentive to take the survey. Gift cards will generally be limited to one (1) per household. Results of the survey will be posted on this website by late September.

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